Enhancing the quality of life in Branford

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that Gives Back

Your contribution to the Branford Community Foundation is more than a donation; it’s an investment in our town’s future. Join us in strengthening Branford’s resilience by giving today.

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A Pillar of Community Philanthropy

Since 1980, the Branford Community Foundation has served as a charitable foundation, connecting people who care with causes that matter, now and for generations to come.

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A community foundation is a public charitable organization with a long-term mission of enhancing the quality of life in its community or region. It maintains and administers funds for multiple donors by creating a permanent endowment where the principal is invested and never spent. Foundations use the income for grants, scholarships, sponsorship awards, and other community investments.

An endowment is a perpetual gift in which the principle is rarely spent. The earned income helps meet the community’s charitable needs. A foundation’s assets are typically held in numerous philanthropic funds established by local individuals, families, businesses, or other charitable organizations.

We work with the investment professionals at the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven (CFGNH) to preserve and grow our endowment. BCF’s individual funds are pooled and invested in a diversified portfolio managed by CFGNH.

A community foundation is an independent, tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Most nonprofit organizations have a specific mission (hunger, social services, mental health, affordable housing, special needs, etc.). In contrast, a community foundation’s mission is broad and focused on the needs of a given area. Community foundations support numerous nonprofits in perpetuity through their endowed funds.

The Branford Community Foundation provides grants and sponsorship awards to a wide range of charitable causes. Key impact areas include Arts & Culture; Basic Needs; Community Improvement & Vitality; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Education & Youth; Environment & Sustainability; Health & Human Services; Housing Stability; and Seniors & Special Needs.

Giving is easy through our online donor portal. We have many options, including making an unrestricted gift that gives BCF the flexibility to use where it is most needed. Donors can also select one of our existing charitable funds created by community members in support of an area of interest or specific nonprofit organization. Additionally, donors can establish their own charitable fund or name the Branford Community Foundation in their estate plan (wills, trusts, IRA rollovers, beneficiary designations, and more).

If you are a nonprofit that serves Branford residents with a program or service that aligns with our priorities, you can apply for an annual grant or a sponsorship award. Visit our grant page to learn about the process and deadlines.

Note: BCF cannot make grants to individuals, only to qualified nonprofit organizations.

BCF is unique because we are permanent. Our intent is to create a source of funding that will support our Branford community in perpetuity. Our mission is to improve the well-being of the Branford community, now and for generations to come. We act as a facilitator, advisor, and mediator for area nonprofits as they work together to solve community issues and promote a better life for Branford residents.

The Branford Community Foundation doesn’t give scholarships outright. Many of our charitable funds are designated to provide scholarships for graduating seniors, typically from Branford High School. The BHS Counseling Department is the intermediary, recommending students for various scholarship funds.
Direct scholarship questions to BHS Counseling Department by calling 203-315-7837. They can provide a list of available scholarships.

Anyone can create a fund supporting causes or organizations for which are meaningful to them or to honor a friend or loved one. The minimum donation to establish a fund is $10,000, which can be given over five years through our Acorn program.

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