December 18, 2023

Branford Community Foundation 2024 Sponsorship Applications Now Open!

The Branford Community Foundation is pleased to report that they are once again partnering with GSB in 2024 to provide sponsorship awards to qualifying organizations serving the Branford community. BCF was chosen to lead the program because of their role as a trusted community leader, philanthropic expertise, and strong relationships with community-serving organizations. In 2023, BCF was delighted to distribute $30,000 to support 29 organizations with awards ranging from $500 to $2,500. $30,000 will once again be available for distribution in 2024.

For 2024, BCF is making important adjustments to the application and decision-making process to improve their ability to review requests and ensure that distributed funds have the most significant impact. The biggest change is that BCF will review requests three times per year instead of two times a year like in 2023. The first review date is January 15th, 2024, followed by two additional review dates: April 15th and July 15th. Please plan your requests accordingly.

To apply for a 2024 sponsorship, please visit

The Branford Community Foundation, founded in 1980, is a public, nonprofit, tax exempt, charitable trust. It provides an administrative, philanthropic service – a means by which public-spirited citizens may make gifts or bequests, the income from which is distributed for educational, cultural, health, social and civic needs. The Foundation is overseen by the Board of Directors, composed of community leaders who serve without compensation and who have been selected for their knowledge, interest and integrity of judgment. A part-time, executive director works with the Board of Directors, and Advisors provide outreach with the community, give guidance to the Board and help to develop future leadership.


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