March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Response Fund for Branford

In response to the significant impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the community, the Branford Community Foundation (BCF) announces the following:

COVID-19 Response Fund for Branford

BCF is establishing a temporary fund, the COVID-19 Response Fund for Branford, to benefit the Women & Family Life Center (W&FLC). The Response Fund is to enable W&FLC to make grants to provide immediate, short-term financial relief to individuals who live or work in the Town of Branford.

Individuals who live or work in Branford who have been negatively impacted as a result of this pandemic and seek temporary financial assistance are encouraged to reach out to W&FLC at (203) 458-6699. Examples include but are not limited to: an individual tested positive for the virus and can’t work, loss of work or reduced work hours, loss of childcare, need to care for a loved one, etc.

“We have been fielding calls from citizens who are desperate to help friends and loved ones face the impact of lost wages due to shorter working hours or tending to family member,” explained Liza Janssen Petra, Executive Director of the Branford Community Foundation. “We are honored to provide a conduit with between those who want to help and those who need help right now, as the broader response to the crisis unfolds.”

“Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are grateful to partner with the Branford Community Foundation to provide immediate assistance to local individuals and families in need,” said Meghan Scanlon, Executive Director of W&FLC.

W&FLC will provide one-time grants to individuals of up to $500 to provided immediate, short-term relief. This should provide stopgap support as local, state and federal programs ramp up to address this crisis on a broader scale.

BCF has secured a donation of $10,000 from two local families to seed this new fund, and we are encouraging donations to this fund through our website HERE. Our goal is to secure at least $20,000 for Branford. All funds raised through this effort will support those impacted in our community by COVID-19.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to support those who work and/or live in Branford who face hardship due to the pandemic.

Extension of 2020 Competitive Grant Application Deadline & Reprioritization

BCF will extend its 2020 competitive grant making application deadline to May 1, 2020 and will re-prioritize its 2020 grant review process toward addressing the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

Organizations that submitted a grant by the original March 12, 2020 deadline are asked to consider whether to submit a new proposal based on BCF’s reprioritization to the urgent needs presented by the impact of COVID-19 on Branford. Organizations who did not apply by the March 12, 2020 deadline are encouraged to apply by the May 1, 2020 deadline under the new priorities.

Limited emergent funds are available to apply for by qualifying organizations immediately. Contact Jennifer Mullett at for more information.

Guilford Savings Bank Commits $25,000

On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Guilford Savings Bank announced a $25,000 commitment to the Branford Community Foundation to support efforts that respond to the needs of those negatively impact by COVID-19. BCF
will apply these funds to the initiatives described above.

For more information about these efforts and how to support our community during this unprecedented time, contact Liza Janssen Petra at


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