August 18, 2020

August 15 Update: 22 Weeks Passed

It’s been 22 weeks since that week in March when everything changed.

Since then, you’ve given $202,053.53 to the COVID19 Response Fund for Branford. That allowed us to 26 grants totaling $176,235 to organizations who were not only impacted by Coronavirus, but directly responding to community members who suddenly faced joblessness, food insecurity, and health concerns.

Since the May 21, 2020 update, we’ve awarded 4 additional grants through the COVID19 Response Fund, and an additional 9 awards through our Competitive Grant process. Click here for details on those.

New COVID19 Response Fund for Branford awards since May 21:

$2,500 to Read to Grow for free books for families receiving meals at the Community Dining Room.

$3,450 to Tabor Arts for general operating support to make up for lost revenue due to canceled events due to coronavirus.

$4,000 to Tail to Paw Animal Support for financial assistance to those pet owners who couldn’t otherwise provide medical and general care to their pets.

$5,000 to the Community Dining Room for general operating support.

THANK YOU. We have funds remaining and will continue to seek out and support those organizations serving our neighbors who need help.


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