September 24, 2023
Branford Community Foundation Welcomes New Board Members
The Branford Community Foundation is pleased to welcome two new board members, Paul D’Angelo and Ram Shrestha. D’Angelo and Shrestha are both active members of the Branford Community who are passionate about giving back, making them welcome additions to the BCF team.
Paul D’Angelo is currently the Chief Financial Officer for Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana. Holding numerous finance and accounting roles in his career, Paul is now resolved to support the Pepe’s brand and grow its footprint outside New England so that once and for all, everyone can agree that New Haven Pizza is best. Paul grew up in New Haven where his family owns and operates Libby’s Italian Pastry Shop on Wooster Street. After having attended the University of Connecticut, Paul has enjoyed living in Branford for over 15 years and started a family including 3 children, all very involved in sports and community activities.
Ram Shrestha has served on the Branford Representative Town Meeting since 2020 and is currently in his second term representing the fourth district. He is on the Public Service Committee. He is a small business owner. He was born and raised in Nepal and has lived in Branford for 20 years. He is a past president of the Society of Nepalese in America. He is a member of the Orchard House Medical Adult Day Center Board and the Branford Community Foundation Board.

The Branford Community Foundation, founded in 1980, is a public, nonprofit, tax exempt, charitable trust. It provides an administrative, philanthropic service – a means by which public-spirited citizens may make gifts or bequests, the income from which is distributed for educational, cultural, health, social and civic needs. The Foundation is overseen by the Board of Directors, composed of community leaders who serve without compensation and who have been selected for their knowledge, interest and integrity of judgment. A part-time, executive director works with the Board of Directors, and Advisors provide outreach with the community, give guidance to the Board and help to develop future leadership.