April 18, 2020

Thank You, Branford, for Helping Your Community through COVID-19!

Thanks to the generosity of our community, the Branford Community Foundation (BCF) has been able to secure $128,611.48 for our COVID-19 Response Fund, which we created on March 18, 2020, as soon as it became clear that COVID-19 would significantly impact our community.

With the initial goal of raising $20,000, the fund was intended to provide immediate, short-term financial relief to individuals who live or work in the town of Branford through the Women & Family Life Center (WFLC). As of April 16, thanks to your generosity, the fund has secured $128,611.48!

Your generosity has enabled BCF to not only support financial relief to individuals who live or work in Branford through our partnership with WFLC, but has also allowed us to expand the use of the fund to consider needs from additional organizations and programs that serve Branford.

“We thank the Branford Community Foundation for the continued support,” wrote Jamie Cosgrove, First Selectman of the Town of Branford, to BCF. “The efforts of BCF play a significant role in our community getting through this together.”

To date, the COVID-19 Response Fund for Branford has invested $70,285 through the following efforts:

• $35,000 to Women & Family Life Center for direct grants to people who live or work in Branford who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 (e.g., an individual tested positive for the virus and can’t work, loss of work or reduced work hours, loss of childcare, need to care for a loved one, etc.). WFLC has supported 57 individuals to date, with more applications in the pipeline. The fund was also able to provide an additional $7,500 to support increased demand for services coupled with decreased revenue due to canceled programs and events. “We are honored, humbled and cannot thank you enough,” wrote Meghan Scanlon, executive director of WFLC, to BCF. “This has been a crazy time, but we are proud of the work we are doing for Branford.”

• $10,000 to the Branford Early Childcare Collaborative for their work to help early education providers manage through the current impact of closures due to COVID-19 and to prepare for future months of recovery as children and families face re-entry and assimilation back into the routines of school, daycare and work life.

• $5,000 to VNA Community Healthcare & Hospice to provide PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to nurses who continue to treat patients at home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the VNA implemented significantly increased PPE requirements. “I am deeply grateful to the Branford Community Foundation for this grant,” wrote Janine Fay, BSN, MPH, president/CEO of VNA Community Healthcare & Hospice, to BCF. “These are turbulent times and it is the support of the BCF that reminds us of the true meaning of ‘community’. I know we will get through this only through such generosity and kindness.”

• $5,000 to BHCare to support increased demand for mental health, substance abuse, or domestic violence services, changes in delivery of services to Telehealth clinical services, and reduction of revenue. “Thank you so much to all who are part of the COVID-19 Response Fund team,” wrote Roberta Cook, President/CEO of BHcare, Inc., to BCF. “Your support will help us maintain the critical services our clients so desperately need during this extremely challenging time.”

• $4,500 to the Community Dining Room for to-go containers for meals, which was required for services due to the executive order restricting gathering.

• $2,500 to the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter to support the delivery of pet food and supplies to clients who are financially constrained and homebound due to governmental guidelines. “Thank you so much for this great news!” wrote Laura Selvaggio Burban, director of Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter (DCAS) for Branford and North Branford. “We appreciate the Branford Community Foundation’s continued support of the work we are doing in our community!”

“This will go a long way in helping the people of our community get through this,” wrote Marilyn Vailette, chairman of the DCAS Commission, to BCF. “Our Shelter staff does such great work and the Commission is extremely proud of them.”

• $785 to the Orchard House for the delivery of care packages to homebound clients. The Orchard House has been closed due to government guidelines, yet wants to encourage clients to stay connected and mentally stimulated through this time of social distancing. “Thank you so much for approving Orchard House’s Care Package program and acknowledging the need for our members to remain connected to us,” wrote Mary-Margaret Mandel, executive director of
Orchard House Medical Adult Day Center, to BCF. “This is deeply appreciated!”

To continue helping our community through this challenging time, BCF is considering applications for funding for the COVID-19 Response Fund on a rolling basis. BCF can support charitable and town organizations.

For more information, visit www.branfordcommunityfoundation.org.

To support our efforts, donate online at www.branfordcommunityfoundation.org.


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