November 28, 2019

Tips for Staying Sane Through the Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving! We have officially entered “the season to be jolly,” but your mounting to-do list and skyrocketing stress level may tell a different story…

If you are secretly feeling more melancholy than merry these days, we have some comforting news: You are not alone! In fact, many share these feelings. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, the majority of those surveyed reported feeling happiness, love and high spirits during the holidays, but these emotions were often accompanied by feelings of fatigue, stress, irritability and sadness.

At the Branford Community Foundation (BCF), our wish for you this holiday season is to turn down the volume on stress and other negative emotions while amping up the joy! Are you in?

Here are a few clinically-supported tips for injecting more joy into your holidays and beyond.

Start the day on the right foot
Easier said than done, right? Well, we have a specific task in mind for starting your day off on a positive note: making your bed! It may sound strange, but the psychological effects of bed-making have been studied. Seriously! It turns out that this seemingly mundane household chore boosts your self-esteem and productivity throughout the day.

Giving back
We can’t resist mentioning this tip because, after all, BCF depends on your generous donations so we can continue helping the Branford community year after year and for generations to come! The emotional and physical benefits of giving back are undeniable, according to decades of research. When you help others, you are helping yourself by boosting your sense of worth and satisfaction with life. Donate to BCF today by clicking here! BCF is also participating in Giving Tuesday on December 3 — be part of this global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities!

Taking care of yourself
This wellness tip is the easiest to ignore or procrastinate on because no one will notice you didn’t do it but you! But we all know the problem with putting yourself last. According to Psychology Today, “If you’re not attuned to who you are and what you want, you can start to make sacrifices that don’t just hurt you, but actually negatively impact those you care for.” So please remember to make time for yourself this season! Helping yourself by doing activities you love recharges your battery so you have more to give. It’s really that simple!

All of us at BCF wish you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! We are feeling so thankful for your support! To learn more about BCF, visit our website or donate today.


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