December 27, 2018

Thank You, from the Bottom of Our Hearts!

Thank you from the Branford Community Foundation!As we close another year, the Board and staff of the Branford Community Foundation would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you, our community and our supporters. 2018 has been a year of growth and continued impact, only made possible thanks to you and others like you who support our work.

There are many reasons to love Branford. What do you love most? When we posed this question to attendees at an appreciation event in November, we used the answers to create a “word cloud.” In this image (shown below), the size of the word indicates its frequency or importance. We were not surprised that “community” was the biggest and boldest, since that is what makes Branford such a special place to live, work and play.

Thank you for your support and interest in our mission to connect people who care with the causes that matter. It’s people like you who make all the difference! We are honored to partner with you.

Warmest holiday wishes, and a very happy New Year to all!

Learn more about the Branford Community Foundation or make a donation today!


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