December 13, 2018

A Resounding Success for Our First Ever Shoreline Nonprofit Conference and Awards Celebration! Branford, CT

We are thrilled to report that our first ever Shoreline Nonprofit Conference and Awards Celebration was a huge success!We are thrilled to report that our first ever Shoreline Nonprofit Conference and Awards Celebration was a huge success, attended by no less than 110 nonprofit leaders, volunteers, and staff!

The conference, held on November 7, 2018, at Woodwinds in Branford, was a collaboration between the Branford Community Foundation, the Guilford Foundation, and the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce. Its mission was to provide nonprofit organizations serving the shoreline community the opportunity for professional development and networking.

The conference offered 6 breakout sessions, breakfast and lunch, and a keynote speaker. In addition, four individuals were recognized for their dedication to service. These awards recognize individuals who exhibit exemplary commitment to the organizations they serve. The 2018 Nonprofit Awards honorees were:

Judy Barron, Executive Director of Community Dining Room – Nonprofit Executive Director of the Year
Sylvia DeSantis, Director of Services at Shoreline Village CT – Nonprofit Staff Member of the Year
Stephen Burke, Branford Lions Club – Nonprofit Volunteer of the Year Award
Laurie Desmet, Women and Family Life Center – Nonprofit Board Member of the Year

Liza Janssen Petra, Executive Director of the Branford Community Foundation, noted: “It is an honor to support those individuals who dedicate their work to improving and enhancing the quality of life along the shoreline. We are so pleased to recognize their work to keep seniors in their homes and connected to the outside world, feed hungry families along the shoreline, to help women and families during times of crisis, and help the neediest of our communities.”
Based on the positive evaluations returned at the day’s conclusion, we look forward to providing a Nonprofit Conference and Awards Presentation in 2019!

To learn more about the Branford Community Foundation, please call 203.444.4898 or visit our website today.


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