June 14, 2018

BCF Proudly Supports the Branford Counseling Center

Branford Counseling CenterThe Branford Community Foundation (BCF) recently awarded a $10,000 grant to the Branford Counseling Center (BCC) to support a security deposit assistance program for individuals and families in Branford who need assistance securing housing.

The purpose of the program is to provide a security deposit to a landlord for a family or an individual who cannot afford this additional cost. Without this support, a family that could support rental costs but not the additional security-deposit charges would be forced to go to a shelter—a slippery slope to homelessness. By providing the funding for a security deposit, BCC removes a final barrier for housing.

Branford residents previously served by this program include a family on the brink of homelessness. The two adults and two children were living in a motel, with one adult working full-time and the other part-time. The family found a sympathetic landlord who was willing to reduce the total deposit required to assist their efforts for permanent housing. BCC worked with the family and the landlord to find a solution, and provided the security deposit. The family soon moved in.

The program has the potential to be self-perpetuating, as the deposit would be returned to BCC once the family vacated the apartment. In the few years that the program has been in place, however, the five families supported have remained in their housing—a true success!


To learn more about causes supported by the BCF, visit our Grants page. You can also make a difference by donating to BCF. Please call BCF Executive Director Liza Petra at 203.444.4898 with any questions regarding donations or establishing your own fund.



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