December 17, 2014

Supporting the Community

appeal1214This is the time of year we take stock of our lives, the lives of those around us, and the life of our remarkable community. We also recognize that we must be willing to open our hearts and our pockets to ensure the continued well-being of all Branford citizens.

For nearly 35 years, generous people like you have made it possible for the Branford Community Foundation to connect people who care with causes that matter. As the hub of philanthropy in our town, and as the lead agency responsible for supporting a variety of community programs and causes, your support has helped ensure the strong health and vitality of our hometown.

I was first introduced to the Branford Community Foundation in 2011, and was pleased to learn that the Foundation benefits all residents by pooling contributions from like-minded citizens. It manages these funds with professional guidance, and then carefully grants the income generated to local, nonprofit organizations in need. I immediately wanted to understand more about the challenges faced by our community and was determined to help enrich the lives of our neighbors. In other words, I was hooked!

Branford relies on a variety of organizations to address the programs and services that satisfy the diverse challenges faced by our town. Through its flexible granting process that supports everything from basic needs and health services, to local environmental issues, education and the arts, the work of the Branford Community Foundation helps build a healthy and successful community. For examples of our recent grants, visit our website:

This year, we have a special opportunity from Guilford Savings Bank. For 140 years, Guilford Savings Bank has been a trusted institution and an investor in our community. They have established a Donation Match Program that will greatly benefit our work and the community. For every dollar donated to this appeal, Guilford Savings Bank will donate a dollar to the Branford Community Foundation, up to $10,000! This is a fantastic opportunity to double your donation, meaning that now more than ever, your donation can make a significant impact.

With many thanks for your support,

Stephanie Farber
President, Board of Directors


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