September 9, 2014

BCF Grant Promotes Food Allergy Advocacy

foodallergy14Branford resident Gina Mennett Lee founded the Food Allergy Education Network (FAEN) in response to her daughter’s life-threatening food allergies. FAEN began as a support group in 2009, and then became a 501(c) 3 non-profit in 2011. The mission of the Food Allergy Network is two-fold: one part of the mission is to educate the public about the seriousness of food allergies; and the second is to empower families and caregivers with the information and resources they need to care for those with food allergies. Comprised of a dedicated board of directors and many volunteers, FAEN provides a monthly parent/caregiver support group, children’s support groups, free educational workshops, food-free family events, and more. The Network also provides critical education and resources to schools, preschools, and the community.

Beyond affecting individuals and their families, food allergies affect the entire community. To help address the demand for educational information, training, support services and advocacy work surrounding the health issue of food allergies, The Branford Community Foundation awarded FAEN a grant in the amount of $2,000 to help fund the Network’s important mission.


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